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Primary Schools Kwik Cricket Festival 2021

Sixty children representing Chilmark, Dinton, Hindon, Semley, Tisbury and Wardour Primary Schools came to the ground on 17 June to play each other in this the third FPCC Kwik Cricket Festival. Each school played the others with three matches going on simultaneously on three separate pitches each with a 30 yard boundary. In Kwik Cricket, teams start with 200 runs and children bat in pairs, and each child bowls one over. Each pair faces two overs on a 16 yard pitch, scoring as many runs as they can but with minus 5 every time they are out.

The rain held off and it was a great day with everyone enjoying playing cricket and learning a lot in the process. For many it was the first time they had played competitive cricket. It was noticeable how everyone made progress as the day went on, with their individual batting, bowling and fielding skills, and also their game sense . Teaching staff also commented on the good sportsmanship and supportive behaviour they had seen from all involved. The trophy was presented to the the winners Wardour Primary School who won all their matches, with Dinton a close second. Mr Andrew Howard, headteacher at Dinton said, "Many thanks for allowing us to use your super facilities and to all your volunteers for their help. The children really enjoyed the day and the Y5s are already looking forward to next year."

Mark Mikurenda


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